
  • Kenyelletso ea likhoele tsa likhoele tsa koloi

    Kenyelletso ea likhoele tsa likhoele tsa koloi

    The wiring harness ke 'mele o ka sehloohong oa marang-rang oa potoloho ea koloi.Ntle le mohala oa lithapo, ha ho na potoloho ea koloi.The wiring harness e na le sebopeho se ts'oanang.Ke sehokelo (sehokelo) se phuntsoeng ka thepa ea koporo 'me se koetsoe ka terata le thapo.Ka mor'a moo, ka ntle ho bōptjoa hape ka insulator kapa khetla ea tšepe e ka ntle, joalo-joalo, 'me e kopantsoe ka mohala oa terata ho etsa karolo e kopanyang potoloho.Ka keketseho ea ts'ebetso ea likoloi le ts'ebeliso e atileng ea thekenoloji ea taolo ea elektroniki, ho tla ba le likarolo tse ngata tsa motlakase, lithapo tse ntseng li eketseha, 'me likhoele tsa terata li tla ba boima le ho feta.Ka hona, likoloi tse tsoetseng pele li hlahisitse tlhophiso ea libese tsa CAN le mokhoa oa phetisetso oa multiplex.Ha ho bapisoa le lithapo tse tloaelehileng, sesebelisoa sa multiplexing se fokotsa haholo palo ea lithapo le likhokahano, se etsa hore mohala o be bonolo.Ka lebaka la boikhethelo ba indasteri ea likoloi, ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso ea likhoele tsa likhoele tsa likoloi e boetse e ikhethile ho feta lithapo tse ling tse tloaelehileng tsa likhoele.

  • Kenyelletso ea sehokelo sa koloi 2

    Kenyelletso ea sehokelo sa koloi 2

    Kaofela rea ​​tseba hore mohala oa ho roala koloi ke tsamaiso ea methapo ea koloi, e ikarabellang bakeng sa phetisetso ea maqhubu 'ohle le matšoao ka hare ho koloi,' me sehokelo sa koloi ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea mohala oa koloi.Lihokelo tsa likoloi li tlisa lintho tse ngata tse bonolo ho li-circuits tsa likoloi, joalo ka tlhokomelo e bonolo le lintlafatso, maemo a fetohang, le tse ling.Lihokelo tsa likoloi ke likarolo tsa mantlha tsa likhoele tsa likhoele tsa koloi.Ts'ebetso ea likhokahanyo e na le tšusumetso e kholo ho ts'ireletseho le ts'epahalo ea likhoele tsa likhoele.Ka hona, ho bohlokoa haholo ho khetha li-connectors tse loketseng.Sehlooho sena se tla bua le uena ka mokhoa oa ho khetha sehokelo se nepahetseng sa koloi.

  • Kenyelletso ea mefuta le melao-motheo ea khetho ea liteishene tsa lithapo tsa lithapo tsa koloi

    Kenyelletso ea mefuta le melao-motheo ea khetho ea liteishene tsa lithapo tsa lithapo tsa koloi

    The harness terminal ke conductive element e ka etsang potoloho e nang le element conductive e tsamaisanang.The terminal e kenyelletsa mefuta e 'meli ea lithapo le li-sockets, tse bapalang karolo ea khokahano ea motlakase.Lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang ke li-conductor tse ntle tse kang koporo le li-alloys tsa eona.Bokaholimo bo entsoe ka silevera, bo entsoe ka khauta kapa bo entsoe ka tin ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha kutu le ho hanyetsa oxidation.le anti-rust.

  • Kenyelletso ea likhoele tsa likoloi 2

    Kenyelletso ea likhoele tsa likoloi 2

    Indasteri ea likoloi ea naha ea heso e ntse e hōla ka potlako.Tlhahiso ea likoloi e eketsehile ho tloha ho limilione tse 8,89 ka 2007 ho ea ho limilione tse 13.79 selemong se fetileng, haholo-holo ka 2009, e eketsehileng ka 48.2% ho feta selemo se fetileng.Ho hakanngoa hore ka 2010, tlhahiso ea likoloi tsa naha ea heso e tla feta limilione tse 15, 'me lintlha tse khothalletsang nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea lithapo tsa likoloi tsa naha ea heso li ntse li le teng.

  • Kenyelletso ea maqhama a lithapo tsa koloi

    Kenyelletso ea maqhama a lithapo tsa koloi

    Ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng selemo ho pota, maqhama a koloi a tlameha ho boloka litšobotsi tse peli: ho hanyetsa bump le ho hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng.Rea tseba hore enjene e tla hlahisa mocheso nakong ea ts'ebetso ea koloi, 'me mocheso ona o tla qhaloa sebakeng se potolohileng ka sekoting sa mocheso.Ka hona, joalo ka bongata ba mela e mengata le liphaephe tsa koloi, thae ea koloi e tlameha ho khona ho mamella mocheso o phahameng le bokhoni bo boholo ba ho thibela bump.

  • Baetsi ba etsa li-interiors tsa likoloi tse majabajaba, 'me letšoao leha e le lefe le ka etsoa

    Baetsi ba etsa li-interiors tsa likoloi tse majabajaba, 'me letšoao leha e le lefe le ka etsoa

    Likahare tsa rona tsa makoloi li entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo, 'me li bile le nts'etsopele ea hlobo ea litsebi.Re entse tlhahiso e phethahetseng ea 1: 1 ea li-interiors tsa mantlha.Ka bobeli ponahalo ea kakaretso le lintlha tse ka hare li teng.Haeba u thahasella sehlahisoa, u ka ikopanya le rona haeba u batla ho iketsetsa lihlahisoa tsa motho ka mong

  • Kenyelletso ea sehokelo sa ECU

    Kenyelletso ea sehokelo sa ECU

    Khamphani ea rona ke moetsi ea ikhethileng ho hlahiseng lithapo tsa terata ka lilemo tse 13, re fana ka likhoele tsa terata tsa lapeng, likhoele tsa terata ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea motlakase, likhoele tsa PCB board, likhoele tsa terata tsa koloi, terata ea stereo ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea sethuthuthu le terata tse ling. ho kopanya le ho kopanya lithapo.Re se re na le mefuta e fetang 1000 ea lihlahisoa tseo bareki ba rona ba ka li khethang, 'me boholo ba tsona li rometsoe Europe, Amerika Leboea le Amerika Boroa, Australia, Asia Boroa-bochabela le linaheng tse ling tse ngata le libaka.

  • Baetsi ba etsa lithapo tsa lithapo tsa koloi ka mokhoa o ikhethileng, li sebetsa ho latela litšoantšo

    Baetsi ba etsa lithapo tsa lithapo tsa koloi ka mokhoa o ikhethileng, li sebetsa ho latela litšoantšo

    Khamphani ea rona ke moetsi ea ikhethileng ho hlahiseng lithapo tsa terata ka lilemo tse 13, re fana ka likhoele tsa terata tsa lapeng, likhoele tsa terata ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea motlakase, likhoele tsa PCB board, likhoele tsa terata tsa koloi, terata ea stereo ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea sethuthuthu le terata tse ling. ho kopanya le ho kopanya lithapo.Re se re na le mefuta e fetang 1000 ea lihlahisoa tseo bareki ba rona ba ka li khethang, 'me boholo ba tsona li rometsoe Europe, Amerika Leboea le Amerika Boroa, Australia, Asia Boroa-bochabela le linaheng tse ling tse ngata le libaka.

  • Kenyelletso ea likhokahanyo tsa koloi

    Kenyelletso ea likhokahanyo tsa koloi

    Lihokelo tsa likoloi ke likarolo tse batlang li tloaelehile tsa ts'ireletso tse sebelisoang tlhahisong ea sejoale-joale, 'me li bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng botsitso ba likhokahano tsa lisebelisoa.Lihokelo li sebelisoa haholo tlhahisong le bophelong ba rona,' me ha ho hlokahale ho bua tšimong ea ts'ebeliso ea lihlahisoa tsa elektroniki.Lihlahisoa tsa elektronike tse se nang lihokelo ke mekhabiso e se nang thuso.Le hoja e le 'mele o ka sehloohong, li-connectors ke lisebelisoa feela, empa Bohlokoa ba tse peli bo tšoana, haholo-holo nakong ea ho hlokomela phetiso ea tlhahisoleseding ea lisebelisoa tsa electromechanical, tse bontšang karolo ea bohlokoa ea sehokelo.

  • Thekiso e tobileng ea fektheri 0.6 letoto la 928918-1 boemelo ba koloi

    Thekiso e tobileng ea fektheri 0.6 letoto la 928918-1 boemelo ba koloi

    Khamphani ea rona ke moetsi ea ikhethileng ho hlahiseng lithapo tsa terata ka lilemo tse 13, re fana ka likhoele tsa terata tsa lapeng, likhoele tsa terata ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea motlakase, likhoele tsa PCB board, likhoele tsa terata tsa koloi, terata ea stereo ea koloi, likhoele tsa terata ea sethuthuthu le terata tse ling. ho kopanya le ho kopanya lithapo.Re se re na le mefuta e fetang 1000 ea lihlahisoa tseo bareki ba rona ba ka li khethang, 'me boholo ba tsona li rometsoe Europe, Amerika Leboea le Amerika Boroa, Australia, Asia Boroa-bochabela le linaheng tse ling tse ngata le libaka.

  • Kenyelletso ea likhokahanyo tsa koloi

    Kenyelletso ea likhokahanyo tsa koloi

    Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa mochine oa koloi ke ho etsa bonnete ba hore phetisetso e tloaelehileng ea hona joale pakeng tsa lithapo tsa likoloi tsa likoloi, le ho hokahanya potoloho e koetsoeng kapa e sa potolohang, e le hore hona joale e ka phalla 'me potoloho e ka sebetsa ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng.Sehokelo sa koloi se entsoe ka likarolo tse 'ne: khetla, karolo ea ho ikopanya, insulator le lisebelisoa.

  • Kenyelletso ea Li-terminals

    Kenyelletso ea Li-terminals

    2016 ke selemo sa ntlafatso ea indasteri ea likoloi ea naha ea heso.Ka ho ntšoa ha leano le bohareng le ho thehoa butle-butle ha sebaka se tiileng sechabeng ka mor'a lilemo tsa bo-80 le tsa bo-90, meloko ena e mecha ha e khomarele matlo, empa e batla ho ba le ea bona.Ts'ebetso ea ts'ireletso ea koloi e tla etsa hore moloko o monyenyane o nahane haholoanyane, 'me mochine oa ho roala mohala oa koloi, e le sehokelo sa hona joale le sesupo sa phetiso ea lithapo tse fapaneng tsa lithapo tsa elektronike koloing eohle, se na le litlhoko tse phahameng haholo.Haeba mohala oa mohala ke motho oa motho. methapo ea kutlo, joale li-terminals tsa lithapo tsa lithapo tsa koloi ke tsona tse tsepamisisang maikutlo moleng o mong le o mong oa methapo.

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